Due today is the Annual Registration and payment of the SCEP (Systematic Code Enforcement Program) fees as well as RSO fees. February 28th is the last day for property owners to register and pay. If not paid by today, the fees increase substantially.
The City of LA has a Rent Stabilization Ordinance. It used to be called the LA Housing Dept. It’s been renamed the LA Housing & Community Investment Dept. (LAHD).

The Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) requires all properties falling under Rent Control* to register and pay. NO EXCEPTIONS!

All Property owners or residential rental units must complete a Rent Registry which requires the owner to provide the names of all tenants, the lease terms and the amount of rent paid. They must also report any vacancies.
All property owners should have received an annual bill, which includes the APN number of the property and a unique statement number.

CALL ME if you need the APN number of the property. I can provide it to you if you have the address of the property. You need both the APN and the unique statement number to pay online. Not having received the bill, is not an excuse for failing to pay. Go to http:// http://HCIDLA.LACITY. org for more information.

*Per the HCIDLA.LACity website:
“Generally, the RSO applies to rental properties that were first built on or before October 1, 1978 as well as replacement units under LAMC Section 151.28 and is any of the following:
• Apartment
• Condominium
• Townhome
• Duplex
• Two or more single family dwelling units on the same parcel
• Rooms in a hotel, motel, rooming house or boarding house occupied by the same tenant for 30 or more consecutive days
• Residential unit(s) attached to a commercial building”